Learner’s Driving Licence Practice Test 3

Q1: When parking, you should make sure that there is at least how much space between your vehicle and those to the front and rear?

Option 1 : 6 inches

Option 2 : 12 inches

Option 3 : 3 feet

Option 4 : 2 feet

Be courteous to other drivers by giving them three feet of space in which to maneuver. This will also make it easier for you to exit and reduces the chance of them damaging your vehicle.


Q2: When your driver’s license expires, how long do you have to renew it?

Option 1 : 30 days

Option 2 : 120 days

Option 3 : 90 days

Option 4 : 60 days

You have 30 days to renew your driver’s license once it has expired. If you leave it longer than this, you may be liable for a fine.


Q3: A triangular sign with a red border means what?

Option 1 : No parking

Option 2 : Give way

Option 3 : Stop

Option 4 : Speed restrictions end

A white triangular sign with a red border warns that you must give way to other traffic.


Q4: If you want to turn left, you should begin your maneuver…?

Option 1 : From the left-hand side of the road

Option 2 : From the right-hand side of the road

Option 3 : From the center of the road

Option 4 : From any of these positions

When turning left, follow the line of your lane around the corner. Don’t pull out to the right any further than is necessary for you to make the corner.


Q5: If you use your vehicle to obstruct a road as part of a protest or strike action, you can face…?

Option 1 : A small fine

Option 2 : A written warning from the police

Option 3 : Having your driving license suspended

Option 4 : No action

However justified your protest, using your vehicle to block a public roadway is against the law in any circumstances.


Q6: A blinking red traffic light tells you that you must do what?

Option 1 : Increase your speed

Option 2 : Slow down and proceed when safe

Option 3 : Come to a stop immediately

Option 4 : Stop and proceed when safe

When the light is flashing red it means that you may proceed, but there may be other traffic or pedestrians crossing your path ahead. Stop and check carefully before proceeding.


Q7: Which of these is the only one which it is not essential for the driver of a motor vehicle to have?

Option 1 : Insurance certificate

Option 2 : Tax token

Option 3 : Proof of purchase

Option 4 : Registration certificate

It is compulsory to be able to show proof of your registration, insurance and tax.


Q8: By law, your registration plate should be illuminated with a light of which color?

Option 1 : Blue

Option 2 : White

Option 3 : Yellow

Option 4 : Red

Your registration plate must be illuminated with a white light so that it can be read at night time.


Q9: A herdsman ahead of you is having trouble keeping his cows off the roadway. What should you do?

Option 1 : Sound your horn and keep driving

Option 2 : Rev your engine loudly

Option 3 : Shout at him to move aside

Option 4 : Slow down and prepare to stop if necessary

Livestock are unpredictable, give them plenty of room and don’t make matters worse by trying to hurry them up.



Q10: If you approach an intersection where there is no policeman on duty and no signals, you should yield right-of-way to…?

Option 1 : Traffic coming from your left

Option 2 : Traffic coming from in front

Option 3 : Traffic coming from behind

Option 4 : Traffic coming from your right

Traffic coming from your right always has the right-of-way over you at an intersection if there are no other controls.


Q11: The maximum number of persons permitted on a tractor is…?

Option 1 : One

Option 2 : Four

Option 3 : Two

Option 4 : Three

Only the driver of a tractor is permitted to be on the vehicle when in motion.



Q12: When driving on a one-way street, you must not, by law, do what?

Option 1 : Reverse

Option 2 : Park

Option 3 : Make right turns

Option 4 : Sound your horn

It may be tempting to reverse up a one way street to get to where you want to go, but it’s against the law. Go around the block.


Q13: You are on a road which has no markings. When another vehicle approaches, you should…?

Option 1 : Let it pass on your left-hand side

Option 2 : Let it pass on your right-hand side

Option 3 : Force it to stop and let you through

Option 4 : Hold the center of the road

If there are no road markings, behave as if there are. Stick to your side of the road and don’t interfere with oncoming traffic.


Q14: When you have parked your vehicle on the road at night, by law you must…?

Option 1 : Leave the keys in the ignition

Option 2 : Leave the hazard lights on

Option 3 : Leave the parking light on

Option 4 : Lock it

Always make sure you have your parking light on at night. This will make the road safer for other drivers and reduce the risk of damage to your vehicle.


Q15: When joining a main road from a side road, you must give way to…?

Option 1 : No traffic, it must give way to you

Option 2 : Traffic coming from the right

Option 3 : Traffic coming from the left

Option 4 : All traffic

On main roads you must give way to all traffic which is already on the road before you join it.


Q16: Under what circumstances is it permissible to undertake a vehicle on its left hand side?

Option 1 : If there is a wide verge

Option 2 : If it is turning right

Option 3 : If you are in a hurry

Option 4 : If it is going very slowly

You may only undertake on the left-hand side if a vehicle is turning right.


Q17: When a long vehicle moves over to the right hand side of its lane, that means it…?

Option 1 : Is going to stop

Option 2 : Is going to turn right

Option 3 : Is going to turn left

Option 4 : Could be turning left or right

Long vehicles such as lorries and buses have to pull out wide when they want to turn left, so you can never be sure which way they are going. It’s always safest to hang back until they have completed their maneuver.


Q18: You should not park within what distance of a fire hydrant?

Option 1 : 6 feet

Option 2 : 8 feet

Option 3 : 4 feet

Option 4 : 10 feet

Fire engines need to be able to back up to a hydrant to fit their hoses. Make sure you leave them at least ten feet to do this.


Q19: If a road has no pavement for pedestrians, what should they do?

Option 1 : Walk on the left-hand side

Option 2 : Walk on the right-hand side

Option 3 : Walk in the center of the road

Option 4 : Take any of these options

If pedestrians are forced to walk in the roadway they should face the oncoming traffic. This gives them the best chance of being seen.


Q20: Which one of these is a rule governing overtaking?

Option 1 : You must overtake on the left-hand side

Option 2 : You must sound your horn when overtaking

Option 3 : You must overtake at twice the speed of the other vehicle

Option 4 : You may overtake on the right-hand side

In normal situations you must only overtake on the right-hand side.


Q21: The handbrake in your car is there for…?

Option 1 : Protection against theft

Option 2 : Parking

Option 3 : Sharp turns

Option 4 : Emergencies

The handbrake is there to keep your vehicle stationary when parked. Using it for other purposes is dangerous.


Q22: During the rainy season, when visibility may be low, what should you do?

Option 1 : Drive with headlights on in daylight

Option 2 : Drive faster than normal

Option 3 : Constantly sound your horn

Option 4 : Drive with your hazard lights on at all times

During the rainy season driving with your headlights on can help other road users to see you. Do not use your hazard lights, or flash your headlights, as this could confuse other drivers.


Q23: The only type of horn permitted on a motor vehicle is what?

Option 1 : A single tone air horn

Option 2 : A two tone electric horn

Option 3 : A two tone air horn

Option 4 : A single tone electric horn

Only a horn powered by electricity and emitting a single tone is permitted on any vehicle.


Q24: The driver ahead puts their right arm out of the window pointing straight up, palm forwards. S/he is warning you that…?

Option 1 : There is a police car ahead

Option 2 : They are turning left

Option 3 : They are turning right

Option 4 : They are about to make a sudden stop

This signal means that the driver is about to make a sudden stop. Slow down and prepare to stop yourself; if necessary make the same signal to any vehicles behind you.


Q25: When towing another vehicle, you must not exceed what speed?

Option 1 : 24 km/h

Option 2 : 36 km/h

Option 3 : 32 km/h

Option 4 : 28 km/h

It’s easy to lose control of a towed vehicle, so don’t take risks. The specified speed limit is 24 km/h.


Q26: If you wish to drive a public transport vehicle, you must be at least what age?

Option 1 : 17

Option 2 : 19

Option 3 : 20

Option 4 : 18

20 years of age is the minimum for anyone wishing to drive a public service vehicle.


Q27: What is the maximum number of people who can be carried on a two wheeled vehicle?

Option 1 : Two

Option 2 : One

Option 3 : Four

Option 4 : Three

A full license holder may carry a passenger on a motorcycle, but only one. Any more puts safety at risk.


Q28: Which of these colors is not permitted for private vehicles?

Option 1 : Dark blue

Option 2 : Olive green

Option 3 : Metallic black

Option 4 : Bright red

So that they can easily be identified at all times, military vehicles are the only ones which are allowed to be painted olive green.


Q29: In which of these circumstances should you not attempt to make an overtake?

Option 1 : When going uphill

Option 2 : When it is raining

Option 3 : At nighttime

Option 4 : On a bend

Never overtake on a bend, you will not be able to see far enough ahead to guarantee that it is safe.


Q30: If a narrow bridge only has room for one vehicle, and there is a vehicle approaching from the opposite side to you, what should you do?

Option 1 : Block the exit to stop the other vehicle crossing

Option 2 : Sound your horn to stop the other vehicle crossing

Option 3 : Stop and let the other vehicle pass first

Option 4 : Speed up to cross first

As with all confrontational traffic situations, the best thing to do is to hang back and let the other person go first. This will reduce the chance of accidents massively.