Winter Tire Maintenance Tips – How to Care Your Car Tires in Winter

Winter Tire Maintenance Tips

There is a common assumption among people that tires are several issues only in the summer season. This is not true, car tires are prone to issues comparatively higher in summer and winter season. In this article, we will discuss everything on how to maintain your tire in the winter season.

As the temperature drops, there could be snowfall; however, this is when people start using cars more. They go out and start bundling up things, and it is not easy to drive in winter. Proper maintenance is one of the most important things that any car user should do in the winter season to keep oneself safe while driving and to keep the automobile operating at an optimum level. The biggest advantage of a winter tire is that it could maximize safety while driving and also offer better driving efficiency.

Winter Tire Maintenance Tips

Here are three tips for maintaining your car tires in winter 

1. First and the most important thing about winter is that it affects almost everything in a car, from the car engine to the tires. We recommend that you switch to winter or snow tires for higher safety and better driving efficiency. There is some difference between winter tires and all-season tires. Winter tires can provide around 25 to 50 percent more traction in the winter season while driving, and it is one of the most important benefits offered by this tire.

2. Check the air pressure regularly – while winter tire and all-season tire might differ in style and design, both the tires require optimum air pressure for maximum safety and efficiency. One of the most important things about tire air pressure is that it could directly influence the fuel economy. It is not just the fuel economy that calls for this factor when it comes to winter tires. For the tire to deliver the optimum traction and features, the optimum air pressure should be maintained. This is why even it is very important that you check the winter tire air pressure regularly.

3. Check the treading regularly – one of the most important features incorporated into a tire is the treading. If you do not know how the tire functions, the purpose of treading could be a surprising fact for you. The traction, the efficiency, the fuel economy, and every advantage could be enjoyed only if the tire has good treading. You must remember that, with miles covered, the treading could wear off due to friction and regular braking. However, when it comes to winter tires if the tire has to deliver maximum safety and efficiency, you need to keep track of the treading. If you find any damages to treading, consider changing the tires.

4. Wheel alignment is important – every tire on the market is designed to offer maximum advantages to the user. However, all these advantages could be enjoyed only if the tires are aligned properly. Poor wheel alignment could kill the tire within a few thousand miles. It is not just the tire that would be destroyed, and improper alignment results in poor handling that could lead to an accident. Now, remember, poor handling could lead to an accident at normal weather and in winter, the chances of accidents are comparatively higher. Therefore, even if you have changed the tires, you should visit a garage and have your wheel alignment checked and adjusted.

5. Rotate the tires based on miles – while a car at normal season could travel without any tire rotation, in winter, it is very important that you rotate the tires for maximum lifespan. Most people might wonder why, and here is the simplest answer, rotating the tire regularly could even out the wear and tear on each tire. Therefore, once your car covers 5000 to 6000 miles, consider rotating the tires, most commonly, the user manual would have instructions on how to rotate the tires in winter.

6. Always have an extra winter tire in your boot – changing the tire is not an easy task even in normal weather. When it comes to winter, the conditions outside the car will make it nearly impossible to travel to any nearby garages for help. This is why it is very important that you always travel with a spare tire in your boot.

Bottom line 

When driving a car, winter season is more complicated than other seasons. Unlike normal seasons, it is very important that the driver be careful and maintain the tires perfectly for safety and maximum fuel efficiency. The above-mentioned tips could help you increase the lifespan of the winter tires.

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